On my
break at work (last night) I was puzzling over a response to Tess’s prompt at
The Mag while reading the Sunday newspapers – oh how I love Sunday newspapers. Reading the latest media attempt to besmirch
our (pure hearted, innocent, honest as the day they were born, whiter than the
driven snow) politicians who gallantly proclaim ‘I have done nothing wrong’ (and I believe them…)… and all fell
into place.
For those
of you that are unaware of the accusation of sexual harassment, misconduct,
abuse within the LibDem Party – half of our coalition government – please read
of it here – and to know more of the background click on the links provided
When will
these attacks on our wonderful governments – past and present – end. It is so unfair.
It is also
so so very unfair that past and present governments are killing our NHS. You didn’t know? Yes they are! (Wonder why the media are keeping us in the dark along with the government?) To know more please visit Dr Grumble, JD, ISOwatch and Abetternhs's Blog. Read, learn and for you, your children and
grandchildren’s sake – do something, please do something. For if you don’t, not so far in the future – your NHS will be of
that of the Venus de Milo – something
beautiful – but a relic in memory only.
has existed since ancient times and perhaps in its early days was the only
means of those without power to make their voice heard. In the present, graffiti offers not only an
opportunity to voice ones opinions but also to display artistic talent, such as
that of Banksy, marking territorial boundaries by those wonderful people who
belong to street gangs and so such more.
graffiti vandalism or artistic expression?
Read the history of graffiti here at Wikipedia.
prompt at dVerse is that of graffiti and searching through Wikimedia Commons –
I found the above image there and decided to centre my offering round it. (The graffiti is not mine – although it
mirrors my views.)
My dad was
a mild-moderate political animal and there was much reading to be done in his
library – from religion to politics to Agatha Christie to natural history and I
learnt much there. As young as eleven I
wrote my thoughts on the injustices of the world in letters to newspapers and
the majority were published.
Like my father
my politics were to left of centre (learnt behaviour?), my first vote cast to
Labour – and it was not long after this I truly opened my eyes and discovered
that for the most part, political parties exist (almost) entirely of
self-serving (and of their donors) hypocrites and seemingly (some of)
those with original good intentions were capable of being seduced and thus
soiled by the politics of power, the power of politics – and sold their principles along with their
Labour, Lib-Dem – I find it hard to differentiate these motley crews. Democracy – it’s an illusion…
(Image: Graffiti on the
South Bank of the Thames in London.
Graffiti by Arofish. Photograph
taken by Michael Reeve, April 24, 2005)
Leonard Cohen - Bird on the Wire (live performance 1972)
dirges on,
If I, if I have been unkind,
I hope that you can just let it go by. …
And drink in hand, tears in eyes,
his mournful song does naught but
deepen my distress.
It is the
knowing that cruel words
spat out with
such finesse,
delicate in aimed precision,
so skillful, artfully
used to cut nerve deep,
your very being, rocked your self-esteem,
keeps you
away from the want of me.
I first
well with this, triumph-filled -
but then derision
framed in sweet revenge
for such a
meagre sin, rebounds,
mocks me
from within,
pricked sword turns in upon itself.
I have to
ask myself –
is this
self-pity or self-contempt,
do I
exempt myself from all but perfect love,
am I hurt
for you or am I hurt for me?
(But I swear by this song
And by all that I have done wrong
I will make it all up to thee.)
Is slight for slight worth all of
God how I long for you,
yearn soft kisses lip on lip,
bodies moulding hip on hip.
Forgive me; forgive me please.
Please, please take me back
as I do so love you so (heart and
and I have saved me, saved me, saved all my ribbons,
saved all my ribbons for thee.
I am so
Anna :o]
prompt tonight at dVerse is that of Leonard Cohen and Place.
I was first
introduced to Leonard Cohen by my (ex) brother-in-law and immediately fell in
love with his words, his gravely voice and all that was him. As teenagers do I would play him at full
blast, after opening my bedroom windows, so that the entire world could take a
share of him, know of him.
The above
poem is a true story and relates to a time when I (publicly) said hateful
things to my handsome one – the man I was eventually to marry. It was slight for slight – but my venom was
totally uncalled for and he ‘broke up’ with me and for ten awful days we were
After much
pleading with his mother (on the phone) he agreed to speak to me and we met up
again. During these ten days he had
grown a hairy caterpillar above his top lip and later a full beard followed and
he remains my hairy handsome one to this very day.
Although I
love Leonard – I would not recommend anyone listen to some of his songs if
depressed and in charge of alcohol – for tis true you will become more
PS Not
quite happy with the final stanza – will probably tinker with it on a daily
The above is a response to
Tess’s prompt at The Mag – thanks Tess.
The pic reminded me of my
past life when many of my teenage years were spent socialising at the nearby
bowling alley.
I think I only ever played
bowls about five times for to me and many other young things it was a meeting
point for friends - where often love blossomed and sometimes died…
There was a café at the
front framed by large glass windows – upstairs there was a members only bar –
never made it that far as underage – but we all yearned to be there.
One of the waitresses at
the café was a sour old woman – she, probably only forty or so – but to us then
that was oh so old – and we used to make up stories about her, imagine why she
was so miserable – that is, when we weren’t saving the world! Also entered at dVerse Open Link Night - hosted by Tony - thanks Tony.
Victoria’s prompt at dVerse is to write of childhood memories.
asked what my most vivid memory is – it is always that of the above. During my childhood sweets were not everyday
expectations rather a Christmas, birthday, Easter egg or an occasional treat
thing. Of course, well-earned Saturday
pocket money could be spent on them along with a comic or a little toy –
however pocket money then was not a fortune – but enough for us and gratefully
Saturday saw me without any as I had been naughty (can’t remember how) and I so
wanted some sweets to take along and share with my friends. I knew my mum saved sixpences in a long
narrow tube painted as a pillar-box, specifically designed to accommodate forty
and thus a pound (and they were calling me, oh how they were calling me). So I stole two.
pleasure was short lived and I was overcome by guilt, a guilt which was to
burden me for years to come. I attempted
to ease my conscience by buying my mum extra special birthday, Christmas or
‘just because’ presents – but it never worked.
Some thirty years later I confessed – mum had never realised, never
missed the shilling – but I knew and that was important, important that I knew it
was wrong.
do we remember some but forget most of our childhood – I don’t know and I don’t
think scientists do either. Why did this
particular memory become crystallised – was it because I first experienced the
emotion of guilt then and couldn't let it go?
On a lighter note -does anyone remember the original wrapper of Fruit Salad? In my (?false) memory it was light coloured
pink and green stripes with a picture of fruit at the centre – certainly not
that gaudy orange stuff – do you remember? (Can't explain the white background - although Blogger is tell me I/it is experiencing problems...)