Her love gone
Her heart cast adrift, she so forlorn,
she and Le
Stelle, they rode the storm
‘til tempest died, and sails rent and torn
all hope was lost and she so did mourn
the loss of love for she he had scorned.
And she in despair,
Wind still, now becalmed and lost at sea
at the mercy of the Gods was she
and she uttered forth her soulful plea
O my love, I gave my heart to thee,
please return my love and rescue me.
And Sol bore down.
She adrift for days on briny deep
and sun bore down and death did slow creep
and for her lost love she so did weep
and she prayed the Gods her safety keep
as she drifted now in twilight sleep.
And the vision.
And in her dreams Paleamon rose
and he and dolphin leapt ‘bove the bows
and she in his arms he did enclose
sang sweet to her and soothed her woes
and delirious, life with him she chose.
And then eternal peace.
Life below blue sea she now did crave
neath new luscious moon and crested wave,
and to Paleamon her heart she gave,
and she to him a willing slave
on dolphin leapt to loves watery grave.
Anna :o]
The above is a late response to the dVerse Saturday
prompt of Beauty. The beauty of the
human singing voice sprang to mind and that led on to Pavarotti and so stuck on
YouTube I became – I missed the deadline.

Seriously, I do so love his voice and always will, and
it was through him that my love of opera began, until then my only exposure to
it being while at school and limited to The
Mikado and The Pirates of Penzance .
Pavarotti truly was, especially in his early career,
king of the high C’s he once describing ‘hitting’ one thus: “Excited and
happy, but with a strong undercurrent of fear. The moment I actually hit the
note, I almost lose consciousness. A physical, animal sensation seizes me. Then
I regain control.” Lovely!
to further excite your ears, more Pavarotti, this time Che Gelida Manina – now
this I want played at my funeral!
Videos’ courtesy of YouTube.