I have paper
weighted down by coffee cup
as autumn winds
seem intent on catching it, lifting it,
giving it the gift of flight.
I am stuck on 3 across
(and will marvel at its genius
when it finally falls-into-place)
and then I see him (all screwed up)
and wonder what demons he does battle with.
A wasp alights to feast on sugar
blown by breeze to strew the table,
I am not frightened of it, of its sting -
my fears lay elsewhere (lay with him).
Will he leave or not?
My fear is that he might stay…
(I am still stuck on 3 across.)
(I marvel at it (the wasp) - tiny perfect,
life compact in black and yellow skin.)
He unsettles me,
something I-cannot-quite-put-my-finger-on.
Is angst communicable ‘cross café tables?
He lights a cigarette
takes one puff of it
then snaps it throws it to the ground,
with anguished moan he lights another
and sucks at it
as if there is no
as if there is no
He has that leg thing,
right leg jerks up and down
causing chair to rattle,
he groans as he wraps head in hands,
a backfiring car elicits
startle response,
startle response,
wide-eyed he half-screams,
brings fist down heavy
shattering plate and peace.
He sees them (and me) voyeuring
shouts ‘What the f**k you looking at?’
stands, upturns chair and table
and with one loud ‘F**K YOU!’
storms off into his private hell.
(I am still stuck on 3 across.)
Anna :o]
The excellent Brian Miller is hosting Poetics at dVerse~Poets Pub today and the theme is PEOPLE WATCHING. This proved an easy task for me as I love people watching, letting my imagination run wild as I watch the world (and its brother) pass by. Thanks Brian!
Image: courtesy of Wikimedia Commons – author unknown.