Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Hedgehog: Thoughts as hibernation ends.

Air warms,
I stir,
awaken from my torpor. 

I hunger,
crave slugs crave sex. 

“Watch out!” I cry
as I emerge into the night.

Anna :o]

Kim at dVerse challenges us to write a new poem, of any length or form, about an animal in a human way or a human in an animal way, highlighting some trait of the animal/human that either sets us apart or brings us together.  Cheers for the inspiration Kim.

Also shared with the good folk at Real Toads Tuesday platform, cheers Sanaa. 

Image:  Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Author:    T137


Vivian Zems said...

Anna! This made me laugh😂😂. So unexpected and yet so cool.

brudberg said...

Slugs and sex... I will go to sleep laughing (but I will skip the slugs)

Frank Hubeny said...

At least the hedgehog gives a warning. :)

X said...

Only if the slugs are prepared right.
If they are still slimy, aint no way.


After hibernation, there are definite priorities.

Fun piece Anna.

Glenn Buttkus said...

Both of us write of hibernation; way cool. Don't know much about hedgehogs--are they in the weasel family? Badgers and such hibernate, I think.

Victoria said...

Not so sure about the slugs but from the number I see on a golf course here in Reno, I'm sure the sex part is quite correct. Fun, Anna.

tonispencer said...

I live hedgehogs. They are so cute. I never knew they hibernated. A friend has one and that little guy is always rooting around its room. And it snuggles. Who knew? Slugs, sex, and cuddles. Sounds like a goid life to me.

tonispencer said...

Love hedgehogs...

Grace said...

Good stuff to do after hibernation, smiles ~ I dig this, ha ~

Thotpurge said...

This is wonderfully written Anna!

rallentanda said...

Craving slugs before sex...Yes,,,first things first:)

Old Egg said...

What a laugh this poem is. Thank you so much for that!

Magaly Guerrero said...

You've given me a much welcomed case of the wild giggles. That is what it means to be alive, the leave slumber wanting grub and sex. :-D

Dr. Vandana Sharma said...

Ah! I like it, now who would not want to slumber for six months and work six m0nths in a year!

Sarah Russell said...

I love that you didn’t “cute up” the hedgehog (although they can be quite cute as well). A fresh new take. Wonderful!

Sanaa Rizvi said...

This is absolutely delightful! Thanks for sharing, Anna!

sarah said...

Nicely done. Those basic needs.

Amaya said...

Haha, "Watch out!" I love the boldness of character.

Whippet Wisdom Blog said...

Very funny Anna and I love the warning the hedgehog gives too! :o)

Susie Clevenger said...

Uh oh...hungry and horny. Giggles

Frank J. Tassone said...

Talk about bold awakenings! Great write!

Gillena Cox said...

Food and sex passion must be sated after the hibernation. Nice write Anna

much love

kaykuala said...

The animal in them craving as a human does. In has to center also around food and sex


Kim M. Russell said...

I'm very late with reading and commenting this week, Anna, and apologise - you are by no means last. At first I thought only of the hedgehogs in the garden and the cute one in the picture, and then I read the lines:
'I hunger,
crave slugs crave sex'
and remembered the noises hedgehogs make - then I chuckled!.

MNL (Cactus Haiku) said...

Fun poem!