Sunday, 31 December 2017


Satan Sowing Tares

I stitch rumours in the seams of your doubts, lest you forget the slivers of truth in their meaning, the truth in their aching.

You ask their significance but I say there is nothing to tell, you yourself must seek out the difference of the dark from the light.

You ask:  The Almighty? And I say:  Maybe, maybe that’s so.  But strip the vines from your heart that tighten and strangle, and with this freedom untangled let your truths break out in their boldness and let your light shimmer through.

But is my truth your truth? you ask and I say I don’t know.  You and I, we are souls lost in the middle of unknowing and knowing, and I don’t have a definitive answer, I can only offer my feelings, things I feel that I know.

Just look all around you, I say (with a nod and a smile).

There is a doubling of doubt, a ditching of hope as you look all around you, see the fires of hell burning at the behest of mankind, and you boil in your anger finding darkness the answer and you scream in your knowing as you switch out the misery of all of the lights.

Anna :o[

Brenda’s Wordle 332 asks us to use the following words in our words (!):  Boil, ditch, light, lost, middle, mighty, nothing, rumours, seams, sliver, tell & vine.  Above is my offering and rather grim don’t you think?

So on a happier note, hope you have a most wonderful New Year (and don’t worry about breaking your resolutions, most of us, all of us (?) do…I do…)

Also shared with the good folk at Poets United, hosted by Mary - cheers Mary, and New Year wishes to all at PU too!

Image:  Courtesy of  Wikimedia Commons


Magaly Guerrero said...

Maybe we aren't lost in the middle, but just dancing between terrible and wonderful--some people must live on fences.

I hope next year brings you pure yumminess. And if I break one of the promises I make myself, I shall remember that it's not too bad... ;-)

Happy New Year.

brudberg said...

I feel that we come from the same darkness of relative truths and facts distorted... maybe we can find some common way to communicate and it's all gonna be better.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

This is wonderful and wise. I especially love "we are souls in thge middle of unknowing and knowing....." That we are. I also love the idea of switching out the misery of all the lights.

Donna@LivingFromHappiness said...

My goodness this was amazing....I felt like I was in the presence of a sage. These words are so true for us all and part of our own true journey in this lifetime....

'I stitch rumours in the seams of your doubts, lest you forget the slivers of truth in their meaning, the truth in their aching.

You ask their significance but I say there is nothing to tell, you yourself must seek out the difference of the dark from the light.'

My we find that light and truth illuminated in this New Year!

brenda said...

Wow! This is strong work. The passion and wisdom of your words resonates with some fine alliteration. Thank you. May the new year bring some peace and joy to work through “ a doubling of doubt, a ditching of hope.” I know I need it.

Jenny Woolf said...

You are such a good poet. I hope that 2018 is kind and illuminating to you.

Gillena Cox said...

Thanks for dropping in at Lunch Break today
Best Wishes for a Bright and Prosperous 2018 Anna

much love...

Mary said...

I thought I commented here already. If I did, please just delete this comment. I found your poem very thought-provoking and deep. But we do often wonder if our truth is another's truth. Seems, more often than not in 2017, it is not. Happy New Year to you!

tonispencer said...

A very though provoking and wise poem. Happy New Year to you Magaly!

tonispencer said...

I'm sorry. Anna! I was looking at a pic of Magaly. I wish you a Happy New Year. Please forgive this old lady for her confusion.

Thotpurge said...

lost between knowing and unknowing... so much truth in what you've written Anna. Hope we can untangle the vines and find our truth.. wish you a wonderful new year.

kaykuala said...

strip the vines from your heart
that tighten and strangle, and with
this freedom untangled let your
truths break out in their boldness

Yes, take it by the horns and maneuver around it to claim victory. Great word-craft Anna. Wishing you fine health and great wealth for 2018!


Old Egg said...

Sadly we wouldn't see the truth of our existence even if we were slapped in face with it. So Mankind continues to destroy the gift they have been given thinking that they understand and can control everything. Thank heaven's poets see the problem and can write about it!

Sumana Roy said...

"you boil in your anger finding darkness"...This is very true. There should be a change within to find light outside. Happy New Year Anna :)

dsnake1 said...

"But is my truth your truth?" : this is so thought provoking. i hope whatever light there is shall shine brightly. awesome wordplay, and the poem moves in an urgent pace.
Have a Happy New Year, Anna.

rallentanda said...

Truth...The truth is - it is New Year. I wish you a Happy New Year 2018, Anna.
Another truth is if I don't have a cup of tea with some fruit cake soon I will
fall into dead heap (the last bit is untrue:)

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

It IS a bit grim – as life is in some ways – yet oh so splendidly worded.

Bekkie Sanchez said...

I love that picture! Satan wearing platform shoes! Your poetry made me think but that picture made me giggle.

Susan said...

Only freedom could help to "untangle the truths" as you allegorize and "stitch rumours in the seams of your doubts, lest you forget the slivers of truth" It is that hard to know and harder to stay in Unknowing. Do you know the mystical treatise "The Cloud of Unknowing."? For me it took the edge off the despair here and led me into contemplative prayer.

Sarah Russell said...

Late in getting my comments to you. Knowing and unknowing... Always the questions, always the search for answers and likemindedness. Really lovely, Anna.