Tuesday, 21 June 2011

The Photograph

He’d seen the old photo
Alone on the table,
The remains of the boot sale
And was struck by the likeness,
The image of Mable. 
Old memories evoked,
He paid the few pennies
As he yearned for his lost love,
His raven haired beauty
Who had melted his heart
And gave his life meaning.
Who had leapt from the bridge
And left his heart weeping.

His heart full of sorrow
He stood on the bridge
That spanned the great river
And deep in his heart he knew
He had so much to give her.
As he leapt from the bridge
He could feel himself falling
Yet no fear did he feel
As he heard his love calling
And reunited they were
In that watery deep
Where life is eternal
And love never sleeps.

Anna :o]

With thanks to Tess at  Magpie Tales for the inspiration


Monika said...

The reunion of a sacred bond is as magical as meeting the higher power. This is touching, yields a message eternal, long to be sung, long to be followed.

Isabel Doyle said...

An old, old story, beautifully told

Best wishes, Isabel

kelvin s.m. said...

...ah, bitter-sweet communion... great write.

Brightest blessings.


Frances Garrood said...

Lovely, Anna, but so sad!

jabblog said...

Lovely writing and very real.
Is there a moment, I wonder, just before the end, when regret steps in? Too late!

Margaret said...

Oh no.. Not what I wanted to hear, but true enough as it does happen. Left me a bit unsettled...

Kathe W. said...

yikes- so sad, Well told.

Lucy Westenra said...

Such a sad, ironic end to a life.

Laurie Kolp said...

A love tragedy written beautifully!

Steve Isaak said...

Darkly romantic. =)

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Thanks for your kind comments folks.

Jabblog ~ possible regret and too late. I am sure this will happen.

Anna :o]

Tumblewords: said...

Reads like a myth. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Such a tragic story but there is a sense of hope too, that they will be reunited in death. I love the intensity, the desperation

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Thanks Tumblewords and mindlovemisery.

Anna :o]

Everyday Goddess said...

united once again! love never dies!

Tess Kincaid said...

Gripping last line. And yes, she does look like a Mabel!

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Thanks Everyday Goddess and Tess.

Tess ~ Cripes, I have just realised I have spelt Mabel as in table!

Also first week ever I have not had the opportunity - as in time - to read all the Mags - so sorry foks!

Anna :o]

Anonymous said...

inventive story.
well put.

share 1 to 3 poems with poetry potluck week 41 today.

Anonymous said...

your poem is my favorite of all the ones i have read for this prompt. sad, but a beautiful love story. ♥ dani

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Thanks Poetry Potluck and Dani

Anna :o]