Sunday, 8 January 2012

Lonely City

Night sounds
Invade my solitude
And whip up wild imaginings.

No friendly chirp
Of cricket here
Or flirtatious croak
Of frog
But war drums
Of my beating heart
And panic supersedes
Rational thought...

Where are you?

With thanks to Tess at  Magpie Tales and the good folk at the The Poetry Pantry at Poets United.

Anna :o]


anthonynorth said...

You've captured the city in this.

Ms. Geek Goddess said...

Nice! Great depiction of the prompt! Loves it! :)

Unknown said...

I sense the panic and worry from the first lines, and the tension grows to the final "where are you?"

Anyone ever missing anyone will relate.

Anonymous said...

I love this wording: "And whip up wild imaginings"

booguloo said...

Being alone and in the dark can sometimes bring imaginings to the surface. Nicely done.

Luke Prater said...

great imagery.. evocative writing

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing.

kaykuala said...

Yes, where is he? Great take on the pic. The city is menacingly dangerous and the beating heart is our nearest companion.


Karen said...

Besides what others have said, I love the contrast with the country.

Maude Lynn said...

Awesome write.

"war drums
Of my beating heart"

Love that. The ending is perfect.

Lyn said...

"No friendly chirp"...seems that way at caught the lonliness, the search, very well..

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Thank you for your kind comments folks.

Anna :o]

Brian Miller said...

the sounds of the city are vatly different than the country for sure...i still find them sweet music to my ears...

Friko said...

Living in this urban jungle could makes anyone's heart beat faster in fear and loneliness.

Your lines are poignant and good.

Maggie said...

Such a forlorn feel to this. A wonderful write.

Jinksy said...

That was a clever take on towering image...

Anonymous said...

i like the flirtatious croak sandwiched between the cricket and the frog

days of cohan

meiro said...

Wonderful Anna.
Thanks for visited my site.
All bless

Laura Maria said...

Ooh nice one! I like the fact that the piece is dark but is not overcome by it. 'Where are you?' That's a question I would like an answer to.

rel said...

Ah yes, I remember that feeling well: I, a country boy, went to the State capital at age 17 to join the military and spent the night alone in a seedy hotel downtown!!

Intelliblog said...

The city can be such an inimical place and the photo certainly is one that underlines the threatening, unfriendly aspects of it.
Nice take on this Magpie, Anna.

Carrie Van Horn said...

Love this Anna....can feel the loneliness in your words.

Laurie Kolp said...

Yes, the city sounds are definitely different from country. I'm in the middle (close to Big Thicket in med-sized town).

Tess Kincaid said...

War drums,indeed!

Anonymous said...

This is certainly true of the City! (I live in it and when you hear noises they are generally unwelcome, worse when alone.) K

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Thanks for your welcome comments folks.

Big cities can indeed be lonely unfriendly places and the isolation this brings is at times a frightening thing.

Anna :o]

The Poet said...

This reminds me of how I felt when I first came to the US & lived in New York. Everything & everyone appeared scary.
Nicely done!
Thanks for sharing.

Take me Under Your Special Wings

Renee said...

The night and it's sounds can bring about all kinds of imaginings. Nicely written.

Sagittarian said...

This is so deep in sense of emotion. I love the way you penned every words.:) Thanks for sharing! :) Likewise for dropping by with my blog! I appreciate it so much, thanks a lot Ana:) *smile*

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Thanks Kat, Andy and Sagittarian!

Anna :o]

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Oops! Thank you too Renee!

Anna :o]

auto - pasjonat said...

Good emotions :)I like it


hyperCRYPTICal said...

Thanks Timon!

Anna :o]

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

Emotionally intense and well done!

And thanks for your fun submission to last week's Limerick-Off!

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Thanks Madeline and I shall 'do' the limericks again!

Anna :o]

maiya said...

I am so glad I popped over to read your blog. Thank you..this is a great poem one I can relate too.