Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Wind Turbine (and the Effort of Being)

I stand here, inshore, tis true
not cursed by lash of cruel sea,
yet still no peace of mind have I,
ennui the only cruel certainty as
arms spin in a desperate semaphore,
as I plead implore (in infrasound)
mankind to please acknowledge me,
for I exist, I am, I am, I am!

I am sentient! 
I am sentient and bored witless!

Can someone not read me a book or something?

Anna :o]

Lillian at dVerse has us writing of anthropomorphism and above is my offering.  It is true that I often think or wonder what it is like to be another living form, whether flora or fauna.  It is also true that I think the same about inanimate objects.  I do wonder about the wind turbines forever, or almost forever, spinning their arms in the harbour of my town, one so large or maybe so near, it rises above every building in the town centre.  I really think it must get bored silly doing the same thing day in day out day in day out…

Also shared with the good folks at Toads Tuesday Platform

Image:  Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Author:  Photo: Molgreen, Animation:Amada44


lillianthehomepoet.wordpress.com said...

Love it! Spinning arms and going no place --- it's kind of a stationary polka dance. Nice one! :)

ZQ said...

Hahaha Been there. Thanks.

Jilly said...

Charming! Hmmm... what book to read? Perhaps Don Q?

AnotherFearlessYear.net said...

This is fabulous! Have you ever seen a arm of one of those turbines being hauled down the highway? They are huge!! Never thought of them being bored before, but now I'll think of this every time we head to eastern Oregon through the Columbia Gorge, which is dotted with them. I suppose if they are in groups perhaps they can entertain one another?

Frank Hubeny said...

I would certainly be bored witless spinning in circles like that. I might even be dizzy.

Anonymous said...

There is something about wind turbines that gives me a sense of the Now...perhaps they are Zen Masters too?

Glenn Buttkus said...

Wind turbines are modern cousins to windmills & water wheels--snared in symmetry, but yet there could be insight into cosmic truths, as they all complete their orbits ad infinitum. What do they think in a calm, sans wind?

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

You certainly brought this one to life!

Grace said...

I'll get bored standing and doing the same thing ha ~ Good one Anna ~

Thotpurge said...

Love this lament of the windmill...

De Jackson said...

This is just wonderful:
"arms spin in a desperate semaphore,
as I plead implore (in infrasound)
mankind to please acknowledge me,
for I exist, I am, I am, I am!"

Oh, I can hear them!

brudberg said...

Love it, what a wonderful lament of being bored... poor windmill standing stil.

grapeling said...

raises arm. spins uselessly :) ~

Kim M. Russell said...

I don't know what people have against wind turbines. I think they are wonderful! We have a field of them not far from here, that have been around for at least 25 years, and I smile whenever we drive past them. I love that you have given this one a voice, Anna! I especially like the lines:
'arms spin in a desperate semaphore,
as I plead implore (in infrasound)
mankind to please acknowledge me'.

Xenia said...

You have given this turbine a wonderful voice Anna and you made me look at them from the heart xxx

Sanaa Rizvi said...

What a truly wonderful lament here describing boredom :)

Sabio Lantz said...

Hilarious -- I shall never look at these monstrosities the same again as they scream silently with their "desperate semaphore".
Well done.

Marian said...

I just love the word anthropomorphize, it's perfect. And your poem is a treat :) I am! I am, already!

Waltermarks said...

I never thought about it from the wind turbine's point of view. I'm sure it's pretty boring up there. A great idea using an inanimate object for anthropomorphism, very clever!

Jim said...

A wonderful poem to fit your prompt, Anna. I hope that a few of the human audience will be able to understand the turbines' pleas. To think, their constant whining might really be group chatter up and down the line.
You might know of 'abiogenesis', it is the changing of inorganic material into living organisms. This may be a normal phenomena on the newly discovered plannet, Trappist-1 which my poem Sunday told of.
Thank you for peeking in on me and for your nice comment. Please come again.

Kerry O'Connor said...

If only they could talk.. what would they say.

Jenny Woolf said...

And so conspicuous too. No place to hide if you're a wind turbine eh? :D
Loved this post!

Susie Clevenger said...

Bored in plain sight... I have been there. :)

Outlawyer said...

So clever. So human. So fun. Thanks.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

The painkillers I am taking for my knee are causing me to hallucinate. The blades of that lonesome wind turbine appear to be moving.

Marina Sofia said...

Good point, I never thought it might be getting bored...

Gina said...

repetition seems boring but its these acts that actually give meaning to time