Friday, 14 February 2014


Confused by it, her mind in overdrive,
she quickly twirled it to its underside,
and what she saw on this black dead of night
gnawed at her soul, and she her faith belied
prayed to her god her dread if to *asswage,
in dearest hope this night her soul be saved

This strange thing was as if a man unmade,
grotesque - a swirling vortex for a face.
Yet in her heart lust for it she did nurse,
she would forsake her god herself unchurch.
For in her sad mind nothing could be worse
than an empty bed and she her lips did purse.

But he (evil fiend) would not kiss her back
saying: You’re not my type!  And that was that!

Anna :o]

* Obsolete form of assuage

Tony at dVerse has us writing bouts-rimés and the words he offers us are: drive, side, night, lied, wage, saved, made, face, nurse, church, worse, purse, back & that.  (It is permissible to use the rhymes as the last syllable of longer words or homophones.}

Please note:  the above is a true story (she said with her fingers crossed) – I found something on the drive when I returned home last night… :o]

Image: Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Author: User:nae'blis


Brian Miller said...

wow...desperation for sure...unwilling to have an empty bed she will try anything...and he an unwilling suitor....really cool on the words you came up to modify the rhyme words....very cool...

Rosaria Williams said...

What a sad story; often too true.Hunger for companionship can take us over a cliff.

On this Valentine Day, I wish everyone great companions. But, most of all, I wish them contentment and acceptance of what life has dealt them. We may plan and concoct, but love is not easily caught.

Anonymous said...

so many talented writers here - I'm with Brian on the way you modified the words, my head was spinning I couldn't begin to think of doing that, nicely penned Anna.

Cressida de Nova said...

Ha ha ha... asswage ( love it)...great example of poetic license..our minds were in sunc on this one...enjoyed!

Cressida de Nova said...

oops ..sync

Kathy Reed said... it ...unchurch...ans asswage are great!

Anonymous said...

fiend indeed ~

Claudia said...

asswage ... a cool word.. didn't hear it before...and ugh what a sad story... i do hope she finds someone that wants to share bed and life with her

Anonymous said...

Really well played, Anna. You've really shown what can be done to adapt the rhymes to your poem's needs in this clever tale of lust and disappointment.

Marina Sofia said...

I love your creative use of the end-rhymes/additional syllables.
But yes, sad story of desperation - hope to never become like that...

kaykuala said...

Sharing and wanting to be loved is every one's right. If only she'll get it eventually. Nicely Anna!


Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow this was fantastic...the depths that we go to for our longing for love.

Anonymous said...

What a sad story. Well told

Kathryn Dyche said...

Ouch, great use of the words.

Glenn Buttkus said...

Asswage added to our vocabulary, thanks; kind of like the girl who broke her glasses because she thought they were asspecs; you were wonderful with the unbridled rough-housing of the words, and the classic form rocks too; good job!

brudberg said...

Oh I love bringing back words from the burial grounds.. partly it's a poets duty to make sure that words survive.. a great and surprisingly sad end....

HA said...

Whoop! Her desire, despite of her fear is a strong narrative of lust dominating over her senses.
And his denial... that was that really.
I like the story you came up with and the rhymes are cleverly done. Nicely penned.

^.^ said...

... and that's how the cookie crumbles ...

Beachanny said...

Quite a story - forsaking all for love, and then denied..tragedy impending! Well played.

ds said...

I love "asswage" and all the other ways you adapted the words to suit the tone of this poem. So clever. Thank you.

RMP said...

you have weaved quite a spell here. I feel like there is something hidden here beneath the surface. really nicely done.

Martin said...

Black magic is shining through but I am sure you used skill and not the former to make your peace so tragical-magical.

Jenny Woolf said...

I find this very mysterious, and don't know what it means - but it is very powerful.

avalon said...

Liked the way you extended the rhyme words. assu/wage was creative too.

The Bizza said...

How on earth did I miss this one? Your musings are rather dark, touching on themes that I also enjoy exploring. Really good write. I enjoyed reading it!