Wednesday, 11 March 2015

D Minor

They wait,
hushed silent,
loud     with anticipation;
centre stage he sits,
flexes fingers
loosens wrists,
addresses instrument,
becomes as one,
and so profound,
the beauty of it
rushes to the soul,
checks respiration.

slow voluntary on diapasons,
full, solemn       outpourings
of harmonious sound
kiss, steal the ear,
excite the heart;
(the beauty of it)
fills the mind,
expands the vision,
was aught ever more glorious
than this?

Anna: o]

Susan’s challenge (thank you Susan) at Poets United is that of to write a poem of a specific man who is special and I chose Handel.  I visited YouTube to find a video and elected the above.  Odd thing is (maybe) that organ music generally leaves me cold as does brass bands and definitely rap.  Handel - genius that he was - however does not leave me thus and so, to make the challenge more challenging, I wrote of music I don’t particularly like - as if I did.  And so above is my offering.  

And tonight, linked with the good folk at dVerse, hosted by Bill.  Cheers Bill! 

Video: courtesy of YouTube
Posted by: efrainc23


Susan said...

Ah! Handel. What can we know of a man through his music? What matter when he is gone--the music is what was the man. And your pom captures the Handel I love--as does the D-Minor. Glorious. Bravo!

Old Egg said...

What a great composer to put such emotion in his work. Thanks for those moments with him.

^.^ said...

Lovely piece of a great composer ... also worth listening to is Adagio in g minor by another great man named Sam Barber ... ... Love, cat.

Jenny Woolf said...

Handel was I think a really nice man. Thanks for the nice clip.

stgreenie said...

You always write with such descriptive flair,,,Thanks for sharing your talents and that Handel dude ;)

Mary said...

Wow, I am impressed. One would never guess from your poem that you really didn't like Handel's music. Your poem really got into the music and made it 'sing!'

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Beautifully done, Anna. A man at a piano producing music that stirs the soul is phenomenal - this is a wonderful response to the prompt.

Sumana Roy said...

you've wonderfully translated words into music Anna...

annell4 said...

A beautiful write!

Jae Rose said...

What an original take on the prompt...yes..a fair few beautiful things in life were created by men (maybe as the women cleaned and toiled) but still..they did create beauty and that is always good

Debi Swim said...

Of course I know him mostly from his "Messiah" which is glorious. Your tribute to his music is wonderful.

Debi Swim said...

Of course I know him mostly from his "Messiah" which is glorious. Your tribute to his music is wonderful.

rallentanda said...

I spend a lot of time with Handel!

Claudia said...

i love music - and if someone is passionate about their play or composing or singing you feel it in every pore... he was a genius...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this, Anna. I must add Handel to my mix. Music and poetry are complementary manifestations.

brudberg said...

I have not thought of Händel that way.. but for some music can capture in ways that just vibrates with something inside.. My favorite composers are probably a little bit more modern, and move my guts rather than my heart but I can see how it is done.

Glenn Buttkus said...

Sumptuous, rich as treacle, solid imagery; a terrific write. Many of us are not proud of our lack of expertise relative to classical music. One boomer was asked recently, "Can U define classical music?", "Sure, that's any music recorded before 1965." Of course, expertise can erupt in other spheres, like films, art, & cosmic consciousness.

Gabriella said...

Great to see you, Anna! For me Handel is almost synonymous with English music, probably because of his Messiah which I heard in Leicester over 30 years ago. I remember I was stunned to hear he was originally German. I too would never have guessed you liked neither the man nor his music.

KB said...

I very much enjoy ekphrasic poetry Anna. This was a good job. >KB

scotthastiepoet said...

Great evocation of your chosen topic here Anna - with Best Wishes Scott

Grace said...

Such enchanting music to listen to ~ I agree that music expands our vision, and make moments glorious than ever ~

mrs mediocrity said...

You did a great job with this... Fills the mind, expands the vision... Yes.

Katie Mia Frederick said...

Ah.. yes when musical instrument and human
become one.. the flow of emotion can power
thousands as one.. and how beautiful it is
so easily accessible in Youtube way to
power infinity.. for now at least..:)

C.C. said...

Amazing that you could write such a lovely poem about something you don't particularly like!!

Arathi Harihar said...

your offering in itself is musical..thank you for the clip..

PT said...

Great lines....such a wonderful tribute through your verse..I really enjoyed!

Marcoantonio Arellano (Nene) said...

love Handel. nice dedication


Anonymous said...


humbird said...

Different music fits different mood. I love to listen to jazz, but in special moments it's very rewarding to ponder with Handel music. Thanks for dedication.

lynn__ said...

Handel's music is kisses the ear, and steals the heart...enjoyed the music and your poem!

vb holmes said...

Marvelous write--and your love for Handel (organ music or not) shines through.

vb holmes said...

Marvelous write--and your love for Handel (organ music or not) shines through.

. said...

Beautiful. The closing is my favorite.

Prajakta said...

This was an excellent piece Anna! Even with limited musical background, I could sense the beauty.

ADDY said...

wow - that was beautiful. And to think that was about music you didn't like!

ninotaziz said...

Your words were cold and distant, Anna until I turned on the video - then they leapt off the page and danced to music that inspired them.

Anonymous said...

Anna I can always feel your words, they permeate! A beautiful tribute =)

Hannah said...

Absolutely glorious...what a treat to listen to this piece while reading your poem...such a good fit!

Heidi said...

So cool Anna!

I love this line:
"hushed silent,
loud with anticipation"